Managed Service Provider (MSP) uses different telecommunication technologies and internet access (LTE, 5G, Satellite, Fiber) to integrate solutions that allow interconnecting various sites of our clients into a comprehensive network to centrally manage and operate their processes.
Access to advanced tools and solutions according to business needs.
Enhanced operational efficiency with robust technological infrastucture.
Protection of technological infrastructure and compliance with industry regulations.
Constant monitoring of systems and networks, and comprehensive recovery incase of data loss or service interruption.
Highly qualified staff to ensure quick and effective problem solution.
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Nuestra tecnología permite que el servicio ofrezca una alta velocidad de navegación, en la banda Ka, con los más altos estándares de soporte para cualquier zona del país, conectando y mejorando la comunicación entre las empresas, como también disminuyendo la brecha tecnológica que existe en el país.